Sunday, August 16, 2015

Updates (1)

Two for the price of one

Firstly I want to apologise for not updating the blog regularly this month. Was having a very hectic month at work and had a change in my work schedule which threw my plamo time haywire. I'm hoping things will settle back down so I have time to work on the kits again.

Another matter to update is that the WIP for the Red Frames will come to a halt for the time being. As mentioned in WIP 4, I was given a dateline to complete both kits and to tidy the room. Since my work schedule changed, I know I won't enough time and can't complete both kits by the stated dateline. Besides the dateline, I'm feeling a bit burned out tackling both PGs at the same time. For now, I think the best way to go about this is to stop the WIP for these massive kits and to concentrate on other smaller kits to reduce the number of backlogs before the arrival of the massive Mechanicore Deep Striker.

The third thing to update is a small loot which I got recently when I visited the departmental store. They were having some mega sales and I went to the toys department to check it out. I checked out the gunpla section and it was offering the normal 20% discount. Then I went to check out the Transformers section and what a surprise I got when I saw this sign:
I knew I had to get it since I had my eyes on this 2 figures for a few months now. I wanted to get a few Beast Wars (BW) toys when they were released but since I didn't have my own income at that time, the only BW toy I got was Inferno for my birthday present. Rhinox was in my list because he was the no nonsense character in Beast Wars.

Whirl and Rhinox
I got Whirl because of 2 reasons. 1) He is a triple changer. 2) He transforms into a helicopter. I'm always fascinated with helicopters since I was young. This could be influenced by the show Air Wolf. Other than that I have zero knowledge about whirl.
The last update is a new page has been created. The main purpose of this page is to sell any kits, figures, toys, or any other thing I have which I need to let go. By doing this, I would be able to get some income for other kits or for other commitments. Another reason for doing this is to let the products be used for their intended purpose or to be appreciated more. The last reason is to clear shelf space for more displays. By doing this, I hope I might be able to help some collectors complete their collection/wishlist.
That's it for the updates. Hope my work schedule settles down soon so I can start gunpla again or reviewing some TF toys such as Grimshell to name a few.

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