Wednesday, August 2, 2017

ToyWorld TW-D03: Grimshell - Part 2 (Final)

A little comparison

Last post was about Grimshell in the T-rex mode. In this post, I will look at Grimshell in both his robot and combiner mode. Transformation from dino to robot is a bit frustrating and there are a few guessing works to be done as the instructions are not clear. Same as Muddy and Roar. I guess the same can be said for the other 2 dinobots as well.

There is something about him in robot mode that brings out the WOW which cannot be captured in the picture. When you look at him in person you can feel his 'presence'. There are tabs all over which you need to make sure that they are properly tab in for the figure to be secure especially the legs.

The arms can be 'extended' at the shoulder to give him more articulation. The hand can only be rotated 270° because of the 'wings'.

G1 Grimlock head

The elbow can be bend 90° angle

There are no individual finger articulation for Grimshell but the thumb is on a ball joint

The knees can be bend at 90°

For him to hold his weapon, just open the fingers, slide in the weapon (sword in this case), position the thumb and close the fingers. As can be seen in the photo above, the sword fits the hand snugly without having them closed.

Grimshell has a good articulation and is very posable. He is also very stable on his feet and if looked at an angle, he doesn't give the impression that he is leaning back like the previous 2 dinobots.

From the comparison photos above with Masterpiece Grimlock, they are both almost the same height and size. Their designs are also similar except for the legs and the dino head. I like how the dino head is flushed on the MP version but I like the tail 'hanging' at the side for Grimshell.

This is one of the complain I have with him. Compared to MP Grimlock (right) the wrist area is hollow. Toyworld should have had a better design here.

Here is Grimshell compared to Muddy and Roar. The size is about right with Grimshell being the biggest among the dinobots.

Difference of how Grimshell looks like in robot mode (left) and combiner mode (right)

The top part of him does look empty. This is where the other accessories come into play.

There are four point of connection for this piece. The first 2 points will be the tabs and pegs in the blue circle pegs into each other.

The other 2 connection are on either side of the shoulders. There are also pegs and tabs (in blue circle) to connect to.

The rest of the accessories in the ziplock bag mentioned in Part 1.

In the bag, there are the 'horns' for Grimshell and a mask. I prefer him with the mask on but the head without the mask is slowly growing in me.

Completed transformation of Grhimshell in combiner mode. The only articulation available are the head and the thighs.

To end this review, here is a list the pros and cons and the conclusion of what I think about this figure according to my personal experience:
- Chromed parts
- G1 design of Grimlock
- Good articulation
- Good details
- Very sharp pointed parts
- Comes with all combiner parts

- Manual not clear on some steps
- Fingerprints on chromed parts
- Very sharp pointed parts

This figure has the colors and outlook which resembles the G1 counterpart. The dino mode is very articulated. The best part is that he does look good with or without the weapons and scales well with Roar and Muddy.

Previous review on Grimshell:
Part 1 - Better late than never

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