Monday, August 7, 2017

Metal Earth: Destroyer Droid

Patience is the key to success 
The last Metal Earth kit done was the AT-AT back in 2015. There are more kits available but I was not allowed to get them until I have completed all the backlog. This time round I will be building the Destroyer Droid.
Front and back of the packaging.
Same as the AT-AT, it comes with 2 metal sheets and an instruction sheet.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

ToyWorld TW-D03: Grimshell - Part 2 (Final)

A little comparison

Last post was about Grimshell in the T-rex mode. In this post, I will look at Grimshell in both his robot and combiner mode. Transformation from dino to robot is a bit frustrating and there are a few guessing works to be done as the instructions are not clear. Same as Muddy and Roar. I guess the same can be said for the other 2 dinobots as well.

There is something about him in robot mode that brings out the WOW which cannot be captured in the picture. When you look at him in person you can feel his 'presence'. There are tabs all over which you need to make sure that they are properly tab in for the figure to be secure especially the legs.

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