Sunday, June 1, 2014

HG Red Frame (Flight Unit) - WIP 5

The time has come to feature the weapons of the Red Frame (Flight Unit). Not sure if it can be seen in the photos but all the black parts have a little 'metallic' shine to it.

Left to right: BuCUE head, shield, gerbera straight and beam rifle

The BuCUE head:
Left: View from top
Right: Front view of the BuCUE head

The 'visor' of the BuCUE head was painted on. Did not use the sticker provided with the kit as stickers tend to come out on bended surfaces. The sensors at the side were colored using normal metallic pen.

The shield:

The decal is missing from the photo. I didn't notice the decal was missing until I looked through the photos at the side of the box. The colors used for the shield is flat black, Monsa red, and light gun metal. Panel lining was also done to the shield.

I should have painted the polycap light gun metal instead of leaving it red but on the other hand, the shield will be fixed to either the flight unit or RF's hand so the red won't be seen at all anyways. (Finding excuses just to get away with doing more painting).

Beam rifle:

Nothing much to say about the rifle. It is just the same as any other gundam's rifle. The only difference I did with this was paint the nozzle silver and did a silver panel lining to it.

Saving the best for last; the main highlight of the Red Frame be it HG, MG, or PG; the Gerbera Straight:


The red and silver of the sheath or saya was all hand painted. The handle of the katana was also hand painted but the blade was sprayed chrome.

Also parts of the flight unit before assembly:

Next will be a short post of the completed flight unit.

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