Saturday, July 11, 2015

Modern vs traditional

Choose your side...
Books vs technology
Saw this picture on the internet not too long ago. There is some truth to it. I personally prefer books over modern technology. Nothing beats the feeling of the book in your hands, the smell of the book when you first unwrapped and flip through the pages and when you are so into the story, your finger will automatically flip the page for you even though you plan to call it a night.

Another good thing about books is collection. Imagine when you have lots of books and have a library. When you have nothing to do, you can just go to your library and look through your collection. Looking at all the titles lined up and remembering (or vaguely remembering) every story you have read.
By looking through your library, you will be able to identify which is your favourite book by looking at the pages. The more dog-eared the pages are, you know you have a good book in hand. Books are also easier to lend to other people.
Imagine once again that it is a rainy day outside and you are cooped up in your house. All you need to make the day better is a hot drink and a good book. Once you start, you won't be able to put down the book.
I agree that technology makes bringing along the storybook a lot easier and you can read it anywhere and everywhere. I find reading from a screen is not as pleasing as reading words printed on the pages. I find it a bit hard to get into the story that way. Maybe I'm just old school.
There are too many good reasons to list out about books. The above are just some examples of why I prefer books over technology. Some things in life going old-school is better. This is just my opinion and if you agree or disagree, please feel free to leave a comment/your thoughts about this matter below.
So the big question: Which side are you on?

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