Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Decool 7112 The Bat Fighter - WIP 1

 Batwing? Bat Fighter? I'm confused
Since 200% of  my time are taken up by work (actual work and housework) and don't really have the time to spend building Gundams, I will have to put my current project on hold and build something which isn't so time consuming. I have 2 3rd party brick building set in my backlog and decided to start with this:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Updates (19)

A little update and loot
A little update since there are no updates recently. Mentioned in a post in March, I had 4 things I plan to do this year. I have completed 2 1/2 out of 4. Why is there a 1/2 and which did I complete? Let's start with what I have completed first.
Remember the 2 conditions which I need to fulfill in order to get a promotion?
i) Passing the audit - Done
I recently had the audit from 27 August - 30 August. It was my first time handling the audit but luckily it turned out okay. The passing mark was 80% with no more than 5 major findings. I got above 80% and 5 major findings. Barely scrape through but a pass is a pass.
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