Thursday, May 7, 2015

ToyWorld TW-D02: Muddy - Part 1

New kit on the blog

Taking a break from building the PG Astray brothers due to the rainy weather. I thought this might be a good time to feature something different on the blog. Not sure how this review will turn out so if you readers have comments on how to improve, I'm happy to hear it. This will be the first post on Transformers.
I've been a Transformers fan since I was a kid and during that time, I did not have the cash to get the characters I wanted. Fast forward a few years (more like 2 decades) I'm collecting some Transformers toys but only those I find interesting or the characters I really like.
I really like combiner bots e.g. Superion, Defensor, Computron, Devastator, etc. I also like Dinobots and I did wish they do combine together. My wish came true when I saw a combiner Dinobots built by frenzy_rumble. He named it Extinction.

Few more years passed and ToyWorld (TW) finally created a combiner Dinobots with the color and style of the G1 counterpart. They will release 5 Dinobots with different names to avoid from getting sued. 2 have been released and the third will be released in July 2015. TW was very hushed about showing how the final form of the combined Dinobots until recently.
TW's version of combined Dinobots
From seeing the picture above, can you guess which will be the third dinobot to be released? I'm really loving how the figure looks and can't wait to collect them all and start combining them. Before that happens, let's have a look at the dinobots as they are released.
This is the 2nd dinobot in the series to be released. It is called Muddy a.k.a. Sludge. Here are some info on Sludge from Wikipedia: "Sludge is a slow witted but powerful Dinobot. Sludge's strength is considered to be second only to Grimlock's in the Dinobot faction. Sludge also has the great power to shake the ground violently and make huge tremors when stomping around in his Brontosaurus mode, which is a good weapon for shaking up Decepticons. Sludge also was seen at times to shoot laser beams from his eyes and an energy weapon from his mouth. Sludge's biggest weakness is his belief that the strongest Autobot should lead and not necessarily the smartest. Another weakness of Sludge's is that he is depicted as being mentally slow."
Seeing that I love Dinobots, the only Dinobot toy that I have in my collection is the MP Grimlock. This will be my 3rd Dinobot in my collection. The second is the first Dinobot released by TW which is Roar a.k.a. Snarl (to be reviewed soon).
Here are some photos of Muddy's box:
Front image of the box shows the robot mode
Back of the box is a simple 2 photo of the figure in both robot and dino mode
The drawing of Muddy is on the right of the box and the figure and dino mode is on the left side

Bottom of the box shows where the figure is made and the warnings
Top of the box is a simple logo and name of the company
Now that the photos of the box is done, it is time to open the toy:
Opening of the box
I do like how the box opens up. It reminds me of a shoebox. It is something unique and I give TW credits for thinking outside the box. Once you open the flap, you are greeted with the instruction sheet.

Opened box
Page 1 of the instruction sheet
Page 2 of the instruction sheet
Yes that is correct, there are only 2 pages of the instruction sheets to transform him. It is not a very complicated process. There are only a total of 32 steps involved. Included in the instruction sheet are:
1. A character card
2. A sticker
Since the instruction sheet is sealed in clear plastic, it is easy to refer to it for transformation. I feel it is pointless to cut open the plastic just to remove the card and sticker unless you have a folder of other TF character card collection. The back of the card should be the stats of Muddy like how the older G1 toys have on their boxes.
An example of character stats of the G1 toys. Image from Transformerland
After removing the instruction sheets, you are greeted with the Styrofoam box with the ToyWorld word printed across. 

Removing the top of the Styrofoam reveals Muddy all nice and snug in his Dino mode.

Muddy with his weapons
After removing Muddy from his packaging, the first thing you need to do which is not in the instruction is to pull the front 2 legs down to make him stand even. With that done, I present to you Muddy.
Side view
Another side view
Top view
Bottom view
Front and back view
One thing I can say for this figure is how much it resemble its G1 counterpart. I also love the chrome and gold plated parts on the kit. The only drawback of this kit is fingerprints so make sure to have a wipe handy to remove all the fingerprints after handling it. If you are lazy to do that, be prepared to have oxidised parts in future.

The next part will be about the articulation in dino mode and how it looks like in robot mode.

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