Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Updates (8)

An unexpected purchase
This really is an unexpected purchase. I saw this kit in the online store and also saw it on the shelf in the shop a few times but it did not catch my eye until recently. I'm not sure how or when this kit crept into my mind and stayed there nudging me to get it.
As usual, before I decide to get any kits, I will try to do as much research as possible about the particular kit of interest. I found a lot of interesting things about this kit. 1) It has a slight pearl coating on the white armors, 2) The teeth and claws are gold plated, 3) Cool looking attack booster/back pack  and last of all 4) Lots of decals.
There are also drawbacks to this kit. 1) Loose joints, 2) lack of poseability, 3) expensive, 4) breaks apart when trying to pose. After considering the pros and cons about this kit, as they say, the rest is history. What kit did I get? This is the kit...

Zoids HMM Limited Blade Liger Mirage
I'm currently leaning more towards Zoids kits because 1) no interesting new gunpla releases, 2) too many new versions/upgrades of the older kits, 3) after sometime, all the gunpla look the same. Maybe I'm getting a bit burn out from only building gunpla and would like some variety.
I did run into a major issue after getting this kit. My usual procedure of getting any plamo is to open them up either in the shop or in the car and do a check to make sure all the parts/runners are present. The worst thing that can happen after getting home is to put the kit in the backlog and after a few weeks/months/years when you decide to build the kit, you find that some runners are missing.
By that time it will be too late to go back to the shop and ask for a replacement kit because they most likely won't believe that the runners are missing and will accuse you of misplacing the runner and putting the blame on them. Another scenario is the shop went bankrupt.
So my fellow builders, I advice you to pick up this habit: Check to make sure that all the runners are present before leaving the shop. If the shop is really busy, take your kit to one side and just look through the manual. What I usually do is take a pen or pencil and tick/cross off the runner alphabet on the manual when I find the particular runner in the box. So far I have not encountered any missing runners but better safe than sorry.
Now back to the major issue. I was looking (more like flipping) through all the runners to get to the bottom of the box where they usually 'hide' the manual. This time round, Koto managed to hide the manual so well that I could not find it. Took it back to the shop to inform them and they also tried to find the hidden runner. When no manual was found, they became very helpful.
They went into their store to see if there is another kit which I could take the manual from but this is the last kit in their shop. They then proceeded to call another branch to ask if they have any available stock and sadly they don't have it either. Last resort: call and inform their boss and see if he has any solution. While waiting for them to solve this issue, I was given a free pass into the Model Kit museum. I'm not sure if they are still charging people to enter because I don't see anymore entrance fees sign anywhere.
After discussing with their boss, the only solution is for the boss to either order another kit and pass me the manual or order the manual from Kotobukiya. Either way, I will have to wait for the manual to come. This doesn't mean I cannot assemble this Zoid if I suddenly have the urge to do so. I have printed a copy of the manual from Dalong.net. I do hope the shop remembers to order and inform me when the manual comes. I really want to add this manual into my manual collection.
This will also be the last and final kit I will be purchasing for the year and for my collection until I clear the number of kits in my backlog. Buying new kits is easy. Go out shopping for a few hours and you can end up with 3 new kits but when it comes to building them you will have to find time and slowly and sometimes you can be working on a kit for week or months.

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