Nintendo games
A recent in Facebook by a friend, Tiger.Lim, made me think back to the good old days when I was young(er). It was a time way before Playstation, X Box and WII existed. It was even a time before GameBoy and Sega Game Gear. I'm talking about the early 1980's where one of the first handheld games was ever created. Here's a useful link on the chronological dates of when handheld games was created.
I'm talking about the Game & Watch games by Nintendo.
Images taken from Tiger.Lim
Images taken from Tiger.Lim
I remember when I was young, I use to a lot of these games lying around. I would take them everywhere I go and play with them until the battery runs out. The game have a simple concept and it is a single player game. Depending on what game you are playing, the main objective it to move the object left or right to avoid losing life.
A group of friends will usually gather round to watch and wait for their turn when the console is passed to them. We will then try to outdo each other's score. I remember playing it when I am suppose to be sleeping and will mute the sound so my parents will not come in the room. If they do come in, I will quickly hide the game and pretend to be asleep.
Those are the good old days and it is nice to be nostalgic once in awhile. Here is a link to all the Game & Watch games.
Have any of you ever played those games before in your childhood?
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