Monday, January 25, 2016

D-Style Gustav - WIP 5

D-style pilots?

In the last post, all the painting work for the Gustav has been completed. All that is left to do is spraying a layer of matte finish and painting of the pilots. There are 2 pilots provided with the kit. They are Moonbay and Fiona.
The first thing I did was panel line both the pilots using the Tamiya Accent Panel Line (Black). This will help determine the color separation later during the painting process. The first pilot to work on is Moonbay.
Moonbay panel lined and waiting

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

D-Style Gustav - WIP 4

 To paint or not to paint?

With all the major paint work completed in WIP 3, there is only box which requires my attention. I kept this last because it has the most parts but I did not notice that it contains the least amount of paint job to be done.

First thing I did was to separate the parts into different groups to get a better idea on what paint to be used on which parts.

Parts being separated
The first group selected are the wheels for the shell. The tyres are painted black while the rims are left in the Orchid.
Painted tyres

Monday, January 11, 2016

D-Style Gustav - WIP 3

 Adding a little color here and there
Now that the holiday season is over and RG Exia has been completed, I can resume working on the Gustav. In the previous Gustav WIP, I mentioned that I am 'thinking of painting the beige color of the snail to another color.' I decided to paint them Orchid which was last used on the SD Blaze Zaku Phantom. I have also changed the platform color from beige to brown.
All necessary parts painted Orchid and brown for the platform
While waiting for the paint to cure, I started adding more colors to the details on the shell. From only silver in the second WIP, this is the final outcome after adding some gold, metallic purple, panel lining and a layer of Future.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Updates (14)

There's an egg in my backlog?
If you are wondering why I'm talking about Easter so early, I can assure you that I am not. I saw this model kit a few years back but it did not spark any interest in me until recently. I woke up one day and was curious to know how it looks like and how much work must be done to get it to look decent.
I did a few research online and found out that this kit was in the market for a very long time but it seems no modellers was interested in it until recently. There are a lot of different models which has this look and it is mainly aircraft or spacecraft.
What model kit am I referring to? Let me present to you....

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Blast from the past III

Wooden gun

I recently had a discussion with the missus about childhood toys. There was this one toy which I remembered having and love playing with it. It is made out of wood and it shoots rubber bands. If you are one of those lucky 80's kids, you will surely know what toy I'm talking about.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Updates (13)

Happy New Year!!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all you readers out there a very Happy New Year. I hope last year was good to you and may this year be even better. There are a lot more kits to be built this year and I hope I have more time to work on them. So do continue to pop by this blog once awhile or subscribe and follow to be notified for any new post.
Also if there are any suggestions on how to improve or what I should include or exclude or anything you have in your mind, do leave a comment. Once again I would like to wish all a Happy New Year and may this year be better than the last.
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