Thursday, March 31, 2016

LEGO Star Wars Microfighters Resistance X-Wing Fighter - WIP 2 (Final)

Accelerate to attack speed

Continuing the build of the LEGO Microfighters X-Wing.

In WIP 1, the pilot and the main body of the X-Wing has been completed. In this post, we will look at assembling the wings, attaching it to the body and showing the gimmicks.

Step 19: First step of assembling the wing

Front and back (right) view of one of four wings

2 completed wings

It takes a total of 8 steps to complete half of the wings. It is interesting to note how both the wings are attached to the body.

Friday, March 18, 2016

LEGO Star Wars Microfighters Resistance X-Wing Fighter - WIP 1

First of its kind (on the blog)
I have encountered some problems with the decals while working on the Eggplane YF-19. To stop the frustration and to cool down, I decided start on another small and a much simpler kit. Let us welcome: LEGO Star Wars Microfighters Resistance X-Wing Fighter. That is a mouthful so I will just refer to this set as the X-Wing.
Front view of the box
Back view of the box

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Updates (16)

Busy, busy, busy
Just a little heads up on what will be happening to this blog and also to my life. Somehow I had a feeling that this year started a little bit different than the rest. Before I talk about what will be happening to the blog, let me first explain what will be happening in my life for the year.
All was fine until after Chinese New Year. This is where some of the things which I wanted to do or in planning stage became a reality. Let's take a look on what I have on my plate for this year:
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