Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Decool 7112 The Bat Fighter - WIP 2

Alfred, we have a problem

Some subsections in the manual are shown in the previous post, but there are a lot more which I have encountered.

More subsections in the manual not covered in the previous post.

Parts with printed logo instead of stickers

The completed base of the Batwing.

The completed back cannon before attaching it to the base. 

Cannon attached to the Batwing. Left: Cannon in concealed mode. Right: Cannon being deployed. Originally thought it was spring activated but I was mistaken. The cannon uses the hinge (blue part) to swivel up and down. 

How the cannon looks like on the Batwing both deployed and concealed.

A few pictures to show how the Batwing is docked at the hangar with Batsy working on it
After the cannon starts the building process of the wings

The wings starts with these pieces for the base...

...and ends up looking like this.

A new subsection for the wings

Completed one side of the wing

The printed bat logo is a nice move from Decool. This way, I can rest assure that the logo won't be peeling off in the future.

One side of the wing together with the completed wing base 

Attach it to the base and repeat the same steps for the other side...

...and before long, a completed front wings of the Batwing. The wings are really long so you will really need to measure your display space height to fit

The completed wings with the base.

Attached the wings to the base
At this stage, I had to stop the building process because one of the parts did not match the manual.
Image of the manual taken from lego brick instructions.
Left: How the wings should look like when attached to the Batwing base (circled in red).
Right: How the wings look like on my set (circled in red). The wings are coving up the 2 pegs on either side which will prevent me from building the cockpit.
I did a bit of research and found that other builders did not have problem at this stage. So I'm assuming that the problem lies with me and will either have to dismantle the base of the Batwing or the wings or both. Hope I can get to the bottom of this to continue the building process.

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