An unexpected find
A quick update before the post on the blind packs. Started a new job and will be busier than usual. The responsibilities are still the same as the previous job mentioned in this post. Only difference is the salary and the benefits offered which are way better than the previous company.
I am also taking the Demak out more often now as I now have a 'temporary permit' to ride it to work. This is considered a milestone to me as I always wanted to the bike to work. Gives me time to collect my thoughts of the day.
Recently I have been thinking of creating a bucket list and either post it here or create another blog for it. It will consist of all the things I want to do and there will be a post on the adventure when it is completed. Still undecided on what I want to do yet so all suggestions are welcomed.
Anyways, back to the post. I went into Times bookstore and was browsing around when something caught my eye. It was the Star Wars wrist band. Took a look at it and next to it was a box filled with blind packs from DC Comics.
This is Series 1 and I have no idea how long it was released or when it was released. Took a look at the back to see who was up for grabs and immediately knew who I wanted to get: Batman
The packs were in a mess so I tried my luck to see if Batman was still available. I didn't know if the figure was in a few pieces or it was the whole figure cause the more I feel, the more parts there are. I know for certain that 1 figure stand is included in every blind pack.
I know I got Superman and maybe Cyborg and a few others which I was not interested to know who. I was feeling for the sharp edges of Batsy's cape as it is the easiest feature to feel. After a few minutes feeling around, I manage to feel something sharp and the more I feel the more confident I am that I have Batsy. The reason I didn't get the others is because they don't look good; either their pose or the way they look.
The more I saw the back of the package, I knew I wanted the complete set of the Batman figures. Batsy, Catwoman and Joker. The second figure I felt was catwoman. It was easy as she has the pointed ears and her head is round. I was giving up hope on Joker as the packs were getting smaller until I felt his hair and reconfirmed with the hands. Confident that I got the complete Batman set, I made a beeline to the cashier.

Time to see if my guesses are correct. I will open Catwoman first followed by Joker and lastly Batman. Inside the package is just the figure and a stand wrapped in its own plastic.
The stand consist of a base with the DC logo printed on it and a transparent acrylic stand to attach the figure to. All stands are the same. The good thing about this stand is that they can be connected to each other to make an awesome display.
The figure is looks okay. The finishing is considered okay for a blind pack and the figure is in a fixed position. I was hoping that Catwoman can be displayed without the stand but sadly that is not the case.
To attach her to the stand, all you have to do it insert the acrylic end to the hole at the back of the figure. Once in, you just have to push it in to make sure that it is tight.
She looks like she it just hanging in mid air and looks a bit weird but will get use to it.
The next pack to open is the Joker.
I love the way they made him especially with his smile and the hair details. I am glad that he was still available.

The last figure to be opened is Batsy.
I have one complain about Batsy. I didn't expect him to have such a big chin. Other than he is a good figure. He has the most details on his suit. You can actually see the armors on the suit and the symbol is spot on.
There is one major problem with him. The acrylic stand to insert to his back is too short thus he is loose and wobbly. He drops at the slightest vibration. There are only 2 solution for this issue: 1) Put super glue on the stand to make it thicker. 2) To insert the stand between the figure and the cape.
Method 2 was my option. It was hard trying to force the stand between them but it is a good thing that the cape is made of soft plastic which is flexible. Now Batsy is no more wobbly like a drunkard.
This is how the base connects to each other to make a display. I love that the logo comes in different colors. I am guessing the colors are related to the figures. Purple for Joker cause that is his main jacket color, Yellow for Catwoman for the goggles and white for Batsy because if it is black, the logo won't be seen (?). I guess superman would be red (?). I am just guessing anyways.

The only issue here is the DC logo. They are all over the place when connected like this. The good thing is that the stand is able to rotate to suit the direction you want the figure to be in.
The guardians of my monitor
I am hoping there will be Robin and Nightwing or any other Batman characters in Series 2 and they look decent enough.
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