Tuesday, September 17, 2024

RG GP01 Zephyranthes - WIP 4

 Confusion at its finest

After waiting 8 years since the completion of the waist section and with the recent completion of the waist for Full Burnern, it is now time for Zephyranthes's build to resume.

[Body Unit]

The construction of the body unit is next in the manual. Found some assembled parts in one of the boxes and kept it aside as I did not know which part it belongs to until now. Apparently I have started the assembly of the body unit and stopped. I did the usual removal of necessary parts before assembly and when I wanted to assemble it, I got confused on which part is which number.

Was confused between part C19 and C20

Attached it correctly in the first place, doubted myself, removed and swapped parts, checked with GP01fb, confirmed had it right originally, removed and swapped again and found out the part was loose due to stress of the bigger bar dimension on part C19.

Stress mark on the G1 clip area

Attached it correctly in the first place, doubted myself, removed and swapped parts, checked with GP01fb, confirmed had it right originally, removed and swapped again and found out the part was loose due to stress of the bigger bar dimension on part C19. Had to look for the cement and permanently sealed it in place so the hatch won't be able to open.

Plastic cement to the rescue

Bottom hatch permanently sealed closed

Parts of the body unit

Completed body unit

Backpack and body unit

Backpack and chest unit attached

The front of the chest and backpack can be swing open to accommodate the core block

Only the top hatch can be open to show the cockpit

[Arm Unit]

Need to be extra careful on twisting the arm as parts are so tiny and fragile

Inner frame of the arm completed

Parts of the arm

After completion of the arm the next section would be shoulder armor

Left: Parts of both right and left side of the shoulder armor
Right: Completed shoulder armor with shoulder sensor

The hardest part of the should armor assembly would be the tiny clear parts in the photo on the left. It is hard to remove the nub marks as it is so small and there is a specific direction to insert it. As if that is not enough, the manual instructs you to place a small green foil sticker on it. I kind of screwed up the foil sticker placement and nub marks removal of that part. Parts like these made me question why I thought I would enjoy building the RG line. 

All the parts of the arm unit which are panel lined and decaled

Once all the panel lines and decals are placed, the arm and waist are prepped for matte coating

Parts for the upper body section

To attach the arms to the body unit, there are 2 pegs on either side which needs to be pulled outwards

Then slide the arms into the pegs. There is a bit of resistance when sliding into the peg and part of the upper body section started to disassemble.

A note of caution: Do not slide the arm all the way into the peg. All you need is for the arm to sit flush to the back of the peg as you would require some space for the shoulder sensors. In the photo above, I slid the arms too far forward and had to move them back again which was nerve wrecking.

The right arm (left in the photo) is where the arm position should be. The sensor is another nightmare to assemble as well

The underside view of how the shoulder sensor and arm attaches to the body unit

The front and back view of the upper unit

Noticed a mistake for the arms in the photos above. I accidentally attached them the wrong way round and now will need to remove everything and assemble them back again. Next post will be the head and weapons before finishing it off with the docking process of the core block.

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