Thursday, December 31, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 10 (Final)

 Make the last post of the year a good one
Usually I will end the review and WIP of the kit after going through the weapons. For this kit, I suddenly had an idea which is very obvious but did not occur to me. This post I will do some poses with the Exia. This will also give you a brief idea on how posable this kit is.
Usually I do not pose my kits much because 1) I do not know how to pose and 2) I'm scared of the paint chipping. Decided to tackle the first issue which is posing. What I did was follow the poses shown in the manual.
The first pose to cover will be the beam saber handle attached at the back skirt. Believe it or not, Exia is able to reach the back beam saber handle.

Front and back view of Exia reaching for the back beam saber

Friday, December 25, 2015

Updates (12)

Tis the season to be jolly !!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers a very merry Christmas. If you are reading this on Christmas Day, I would like to make a suggestion. Instead of  spending your time sitting in front of a computer, call friends or loved ones out and just spend some quality time with them.
If you are away from home, just give them a call just to say: "Hi and Merry Christmas !!". A wise person once told me Christmas will always be there but the company you are with will change. The company you mix with this year might not be there again the next. Things change, people change and definitely relationships change too so take this time to spend some quality time with them.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 9

Getting ready for battle

Now that the Exia is completed, we will take a look at all the available weapons for this kit and attaching them on to the Exia. All I can say is that this kit has lots of it.

Weapons for the Exia

I did not notice that the Exia has a total of 4 beam saber handle attached. The picture above shows 6 but in reality only 2 has the peg for Exia to hold. A more in depth review of the weapons can be found in WIP 5.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 8

Too many of the same views 
Returning to work on the Exia after a short break with the Gustav. With the armouring of the Exia completed in the previous post, then only thing left to do is to assemble.
Exia still in pieces
My working process for any gunpla is the same: Work from the bottom up. Therefore the first thing to assemble are the legs.
Just attach the legs into the pegs are the hips. Make sure they are fully in. Do not be afraid to put a little pressure on the leg as they are sometimes tight.

Front and back

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Blast from the past II

Nintendo games
A recent in Facebook by a friend, Tiger.Lim, made me think back to the good old days when I was young(er). It was a time way before Playstation, X Box and WII existed. It was even a time before GameBoy and Sega Game Gear. I'm talking about the early 1980's where one of the first handheld games was ever created. Here's a useful link on the chronological dates of when handheld games was created.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

D-Style Gustav - WIP 2

Just keep trying, trying, trying

After some deep thought about the dilemma faced in WIP 1 and having a break from RG Exia again, I have decided to paint the shell and use both markers and paints to paint the details. I guess I will have to be extra careful when painting the details.

The first part I attacked was the pistons found on the shell.

Pistons to be painted gold and silver

Saturday, December 12, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 7

Obstacles here and there

Coming back to work on the RG Exia while I try to figure out the dilemma for the D-Style Gustav. With the head, weapons and legs done, the next section to assemble would be the chest and waist.

Pieces for the chest

I would like to point out some difficult parts I encountered during the assembling process. The first issue are the front and rear skirts area. The pieces are a bit tricky to assemble. Not only they are small but the way they go together really test out your patience. Just remember to keep calm and all will go well. It took me some tries before I finally got it in place.

The other issue I encountered was the loose 'antenna' on the chest. It does not stay in place and it always wants to be folded down. The hard part is you will need something sharp to hook it up. The last issue I encountered will be the GN drive. This is not really an issue but just something to be on the lookout for.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Updates (11)

All about Star Wars
The hype for Star Wars Episode 7 is everywhere. You cannot go anywhere without someone talking about it or look at Facebook without a post on Star Wars. I know the fans are either buying or have already bought the tickets and are eagerly waiting for the 17th. I have bought my tickets and I too am eagerly waiting for the date to come.
I will dedicate this post to all Star Wars fans. I got some Star Wars stuff from the net and just want to share with the fans out there. Hope you enjoy it and May the Force be with You.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Updates (10)

New Zoids HMM 1/72 kit
Kotobukiya will be releasing a new HMM kit end of this year. It is the HMM Death Stinger. I know everyone is waiting in anticipation for this kit's release. I'm also looking forward to the release of this kit and I do hope the kit is still available when I have enough cash to get it.
"This gloriously detailed Highend Master Model kit of the EZ-306 Death Stinger from "Zoids" will be 9.50" (45cm) long when in sea scorpion mode! Among its features are the charged particle cannon in its tail, and the Strike Laser Bite Scissors can expose the Murphy AZ105mm linear cannon by opening and closing. The head armor opens and closes, exposing its eerie eyes! The cockpit opens and closes; a pilot figure is included. The E-Shield Generator on the head armor can expand, and the mouth is equipped with the Laser Fang. The AZ930mm2 twin shock gun is posable, as is the rocket booster, and four pairs of its legs are fully posable too!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

D-Style Gustav - WIP 1

Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma
I will be working with the D-Style Zoids along side the RG Exia. Since the Exia is almost at the completion stage, there should not be any problems if I were to start working on this. I'm going to do something a bit different. Starting from now, I will put a scanned image of the box art.
There are a few reasons which made me thought of doing this: 1) Able to appreciate the box art, 2) Able to help If anyone wondering how the box looks like, 3) If I'm going to do some painting, I can use the box art as a reference.

Front of the box

Updates (9)

Interesting things from the net
I was looking through Facebook and whenever I come across something interesting, I will save it into my phone to view it again later. These are a few images I got from Facebook.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 6

 A change of heart
This will be the first time I will be assembling the inner frame for the RG line.
Inner frames ready and waiting
The inner frame when put together makes Exia looks anorexic.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

RG Exia - WIP 5

Plated parts finally revealed
With the work for the MS completed in the previous post, this post will be about the weapons and the highly anticipated plated weapons.

Since there is no inner frame to work with, the first work to be done with this kit is to panel line the pieces and start the decaling process after cleaning the excess panel line.
Left: Pieces after panel lining
Right: Excess panel line cleaned and  pieces decaled

Since the work for all the parts are now officially completed, I will show the pilot or the 1/144 scale Setsuna F. Seiei.

1/144 scale Setsuna

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Updates (8)

An unexpected purchase
This really is an unexpected purchase. I saw this kit in the online store and also saw it on the shelf in the shop a few times but it did not catch my eye until recently. I'm not sure how or when this kit crept into my mind and stayed there nudging me to get it.
As usual, before I decide to get any kits, I will try to do as much research as possible about the particular kit of interest. I found a lot of interesting things about this kit. 1) It has a slight pearl coating on the white armors, 2) The teeth and claws are gold plated, 3) Cool looking attack booster/back pack  and last of all 4) Lots of decals.
There are also drawbacks to this kit. 1) Loose joints, 2) lack of poseability, 3) expensive, 4) breaks apart when trying to pose. After considering the pros and cons about this kit, as they say, the rest is history. What kit did I get? This is the kit...
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