Saturday, September 21, 2024

RG GP01 Zephyranthes - WIP 5

 Most relaxing build

After rebooting the build after 8 years with the completion of the waist and armsbody unit and the X-acto blade drew blood I can say this part of the build is the most relaxing as there are no very tiny parts for my big choky hands. This will be the building of the helmet and weapons which will mark the end of the build process.

[Head Unit]

Parts of the head

Completed head assembly

The most difficult part of the head unit is getting the red forehead tab into its assigned place. Had to do a bit of fiddling but finally managed to get it into place.


Parts of the beam rifle

Beam rifle with the Jitte

Beam rifle

Parts of the shield

Completed shield with decals. The shield has a gimmick of extending and 

Waiting for the matte coat to dry

Gundam head on a spike.

Next post will be how the core fighter II bring together both the upper and lower body to form the Zephyranthes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

RG GP01 Zephyranthes - WIP 4

 Confusion at its finest

After waiting 8 years since the completion of the waist section and with the recent completion of the waist for Full Burnern, it is now time for Zephyranthes's build to resume.

[Body Unit]

The construction of the body unit is next in the manual. Found some assembled parts in one of the boxes and kept it aside as I did not know which part it belongs to until now. Apparently I have started the assembly of the body unit and stopped. I did the usual removal of necessary parts before assembly and when I wanted to assemble it, I got confused on which part is which number.

Was confused between part C19 and C20

Attached it correctly in the first place, doubted myself, removed and swapped parts, checked with GP01fb, confirmed had it right originally, removed and swapped again and found out the part was loose due to stress of the bigger bar dimension on part C19.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

RG GP01Fb Full Burnern - WIP 3

I forgot how tiny RG kits were

A lot was going on in my life and scale model took a backseat for quite some time. There was a few times where I wanted to continue with this build but after taking it out from the box and looking at the instructions, I did not have the spark or motivation to build it so back into the box it went. I kinda lost interest until recently where I visited a small-scale model shops and they were selling military kits instead of gunplas and somehow that ignited my passion again. Maybe it reminded me of my roots and how I got into this hobby in the first place.

Recently I went back to my hometown and packed some of the smaller scale kits and took it back with me back. The plan was to practice/improve my brush painting skills and techniques on the smaller kits since they were more inexpensive and also work to reduce the backlog. Obviously this and the GP01 was in the list of kits to take back as they are still in WIP.

On the way back I stopped at a new gaming/hobby shop called Impulse Gaming at Juru Autocity and went for a little look, a little see. Spotted something which I was eyeing and knew I had to get it as there were not a lot of shops which are selling this anymore. This will be the first kit added to my backlog after a long time

HMM Buster Tortoise

Monday, September 9, 2024

Vanzo 1989 Batmobile

 I am Back, Man (Batman)

After a long hiatus from building and updating the blog due to work and other happenings in life, I am (hopefully) back with a more regular update on the blog and to clear as many backlogs as possible. Before I am able to continue with all the kits which are currently in the WIP stage, I will have to transport them over as I have been relocated to another state for work and the rest of my kits are still in my hometown.

First post after returning will be about the best Batmobile in Batman history: 1989 Batmobile from Vanzo. Vanzo is an air freshener company which are "mainly" made of plant extracts and contains zero alcohol, formaldehyde, benzene and toluene. The missus saw it on Instagram and shared the post with me. One thing led to the next and I am waiting for the product to arrive.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Decool 7116 The Ultimate Batmobile - WIP 2 (Final)

The biggest brick set so far

In the previous post we have completed 2 of 4 boxes for the Batmobile. In this post we will continue with the final 2 and then the pros and cons and conclusion of this build.

Box 3:
As with the previous 2 boxes, box 3 also has 4 separate bags

More parts added onto the framework

Monday, February 11, 2019

Decool 7116 The Ultimate Batmobile - WIP 1

WOW!! That's huge

First off I would like to apologise for the hiatus from this blog for so long. Mentioned in the previous post that I got a new job and can't seem to find either the time or mood to do any model kits or bricks building until the recent Christmas break (I have been riding a lot but just around the little island). I went to the 'toy room' and took this st out. It is the Decool's version of The Batmobile Ultimate Collectors Edition from Lego but at a cheaper price.

Without anymore delays, let's get on with the built.

The box:

The 4 sides of the box

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