Wednesday, February 12, 2025

SD RX 78-2 - WIP 6 (Final)


The previous posting covered all the assembly parts and screw-ups (on my part) for this kit. This post will be putting all the pieces together to form Voltron RX 78-2.

All the parts including weapons for RX 78-2

A very straight forward build. The marking stickers does make a difference to the finish of the kit

[Action Poses]

The famous RX 78-2 beam rifle pose



To conclude this review, below is a list of all the pros and cons and the conclusion of what I think about the kits according to my personal experience.


This is a nice kit for beginners or kids who are dipping their toes into gunpla. It is an easy kit and most of the pieces are molded in their respective colors. The kit also comes with a lot of sticker markings on which make kit more complete.

The shield comes in a light purple color. Would have been better if it came in white and just apply the red and yellow sticker on it. Comes with the standard weapons; beam rifle and beam saber and an additional activated beam saber.


+ Most pieces are molded in their respective color
+ Easy assembly
+ Has lots of sticker markings


- The shield comes in a light purple color

All WIPs for SD RX-78-2:

WIP 6 (Final): Conclusion

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