Saturday, January 4, 2025

SD RX 78-2 - WIP 2

 Painting, stripping and re-painting

The previous post has all the pieces removed from the runner and moved into their respective boxes. Did not plan on any major painting work but there are some areas which has visible nib marks. Instead of hand brushing the entire kit, will be using rattle cans instead.

Since there are not many parts for the entire build decided to paint all the parts which requires the same color together. Will be starting with white as it is the one with the most pieces.

All the white parts

Spray painted the whites but ended up using 2 different brands instead. The pieces on the left are by Krylon Fusion and the ones on the right are by Nippon Paint Pylox White

Krylon Fusion and Nippon Paint Pylox White

Not sure if able to see the color difference in the photo. 

The Krylon paint is a bit of an off-white color compared to Pylox. As there are 2 different colors decided to re-spray all with the Pylox instead. Left it to dry and will go over with Pearl White to hopefully achieve the pearl finishing.

DPI Anchor Pearl White

As the pearl white was drying, noticed some peeling started showing for 4 pieces.

There are no other ways to deal with peeling paints except for stripping them all down and starting over. As I strip the layers of paint, noticed that the peeling is caused by the uneven surface material which is weird as the first 3 layers showed no signs of peeling.

The pieces stripped of their previous paint and waiting to be painted. The red color at the feet was from the bamboo stick to remove the paints in hard-to-reach places. Not very worried about it as will be using the White primer and hopefully able to cover the red

The white pieces with pearl coating

A closer look at the pearl coating on the shield. The outcome is similar to the one from the ABF

Parts panel lined with Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color (Gray)

The Tamiya Accent Colors are one of the rare items which can still be used after 8 years

The other 4 white pieces after respraying and panel line applied

With all the white parts completed decided to work on an easier color: light blue. There are only 2 pieces which requires light blue and painted it with the DPI Anchor Light Blue.

Left: Original color
Right: After a few coats of light blue

There are little to no difference of color change for the light blue. The only difference is after the paint has dried it has eliminated the plastic shine on it parts.

This time round will be trying the Brown Panel Line Accent Color

The brown does look good with blue

Did a bit of research and found an article which states which panel line color is best used for which color of the parts:

Grey - White parts
Brown / Dark Brown - Red and Yellow parts
Black - Blue and Green parts

With the most and least number parts for painting work completed, the next posting will be painting the parts which requires gray, red and yellow

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