Another Broken Piece
A continuation of the Z-Knight build after a short intermission with the SD RX 78-2 build and the Blokees Transformers Grimlock. A short recap of the progress of this kit. The head, waist and chest were completed last year. Mentioned before that working on this kit made me a bit frustrated and did not experience the joy I had when working on the Burning Gundam and Shield Liger. Hoping the break would reset my mindset and get me through this kit.
Will start the post with the backpack.
Parts for the backpack. Metal Black will be the main color to be used
Did a sample paint for the thrusters. Used Vallejo Aluminum and Bronze but the bronze did not turn out nice so removed and replaced with Dark Aluminum instead
All the thrusters painted
Painted one of the nozzles with the Super Italian Red but opted for an easier route... using the red glitter pen
Easier and less stressful for someone with shaky and big fat thumbs like me
Panel lined with Vallejo Aluminum to make it stand out
Painted the pipe with Vallejo Dark Aluminum and the connection point with Super Italian Red
The same red was also used for the bottom band of the backpack
All the work done for the pieces of the backpack
The thrusters are the first to be assembled
The backpack frame with all 4 thrusters
Attachment of the thrusters to the backpack
The thrusters are able to move up and down independently
Front and back view of the fully assembled backpack
Did not like the red showing at the sides. Painted it over with metal black to make it seem like a single piece
Top view of the completed backpack. The silver in the middle was painted before the assembly
Left: Parts to be painted in A.E.U.G. MS Blue
Right: Parts to be painted in Vallejo Aluminum
Parts to be painted in metal black. There were 2 pieces of red which were painted while I was working on the SD RX 78-2
All the pieces for the upper arm
The joints are attached with plastic parts instead of polycaps. The parts are tight to move due to the paint but still able to swivel 180°
Guess this would be coming sooner or later. The tight bends put a lot of stress on the plastic which broke
Tamiya cement and Mr Cement S to the rescue again

The silver part of the forearm. Did some detailing work on a few of the parts
Silver armor with the upper arm. Permanently cemented the upper arm at an angle
Completed arm. Replaced the metal black for the vent in the above photo with red to make it stand out
The blue armor parts to be attached to the silver but before that can happen...
...need to assemble the armor. The armor pieces are stacked up on one another
The end part of the arm armor is able to swivel up 90°
[Shoulder Armor]
Decided to paint the shoulder rockets in metal black instead of the blue to show that it is a mechanical part and not part of the armor. Followed the similar paint scheme as the head with Vallejo Aluminum as the band
The shoulder rockets(?) were painted red with Monami Accent Red Marker and the surrounding area was painted with Vallejo Dark Aluminum
Pieces for the shoulder armor
Completed shoulder armor with the rockets attached
There are only 2 static hand options: open or close
Completed hands
[Hand Assembly]All the pieces for the hand assembly
Repeat for the same steps (except breaking the piece) and we have both arms assembled. Next will be working on the legs and finally the weapons. This is one build I really want to get it over with as soon as possible due to all the unpleasant experience.